
Buy Shell Inlays & Sheets – The Duke of Pearl

Veneer Ply Sheet: Turbo Single Arc

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Veneer Ply Sheet: Turbo Single Arc
Product Details

TURBO, SINGLE ARC (VP-TURX1): A “pale” colored shell with no black lines, but has amazingly colorful pink all the way to blue iridescent flashiness! Curved pieces are arranged lengthwise in concentric arcs across the entire sheet to form half a “bull’s-eye” target pattern. Call us for ideas on using it!

Buy Shell Inlays & Sheets from the Duke of Pearl – Since 1967 we’ve been the world’s best source for top quality mother-of-pearl (“MOP”) and abalone shell materials used in stringed instrument inlay, reverse glass signage, furniture, marquetry, jewelry, and a wide variety of other crafts.

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